PCB007 Magazine


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10 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 Feature Q&A With Carmichael Gugliotti MACDERMID ALPHA Carmichael Gugliotti of MacDermid Alpha discusses the innovative realm of direct metal- lization technology, its numerous applications, and significant advantages over traditional processes. Carmichael offers an in-depth look at how direct metallization, through develop- ments such as Blackhole® and Shadow®, is rev- olutionizing PCB manufacturing by enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effective- ness. From its origins in the 1980s to its appli- cation in cutting-edge, high-density intercon- nects and its pivotal role in sustainability, this discussion sheds light on how direct metalliza- The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Direct Metallization tion shapes the future of PCB manufacturing across various industries, including automo- tive, consumer electronics, and beyond. Carmichael, please explain direct metalliza- tion technology generally, and why it is a better solution for some applications. Carmichael Gugliotti: Direct metallization (DM) is a primary metallization process used to make PCB hole and via walls conductive prior to electrolytic copper plating. In DM processing, a coating of carbon or graphite is deposited on the surface and within the fea-

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