PCB007 Magazine


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78 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 Feature Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 Dr. Evelyne Parmentier has a PhD in physi- cal chemistry from ETH Zurich. She was born in Luxembourg and is now a proud resident of Switzerland, where she has been part of Dyconex's R&D engineering team for the past two years. She loves that her "new" career with Dyconex allows for multidisciplinary expo- sure to science. "I really enjoy chemistry, phys- ics, materials science, and electrical engineer- ing," she says. "For me, it is fascinating to see all these sciences together in one industry." Evelyne gave a presentation at the EIPC Summer Conference titled "Functionalization of Printed Circuit Boards rough Introduc- ing Alternate Metals rough Sputtered Lay- ers," where she asked her audience, "If there are 93 metals in the periodic table, why are we not using more of them?" In this interview, Evelyne discusses this ques- tion as she delves into the technical aspects and benefits of sputtering as a metallization pro- cess. Marcy LaRont: Evelyne, you made the com- ment in your presentation that there are 93 metals on the periodic table, and we should use more of them. Can you elaborate on that comment? Evelyne Parmentier: roughout my academic career, I have studied various branches of chemistry, including organic, inorganic, and organometallic chemistry. However, some- how, we never focused on a big part of the periodic table, which is metals. At Dyconex, I was exposed to these very interesting met- Exploring Innovation Through Alternate Metals and Sputtering

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