PCB007 Magazine


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60 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 PCB UHDI technologist John Johnson of American Standard Circuits discusses the evolving landscape of electronics manufactur- ing and the critical role of innovation, specifi- cally liquid metal ink technology, as an alter- nate process to traditional metallization in PCB fabrication to achieve ever finer features and tighter tolerances. e discussion high- lights the benefits of reliability, efficiency, and yields as a tradeoff to any increased cost to run the process. As this technology becomes bet- ter understood and accepted, even sought out by customers and designers, John says there is a move toward mainstream incorporation. Nolan Johnson: John, what is liquid metal ink technology? John Johnson: It is a chemistry developed by LDQX (formerly Averatek) as part of its licensed solution for doing A-SAP™. Liquid Metal Ink (LMI™) is the heart of this process. e A-SAP process involves putting down a thin plating of electroless copper which forms the base of sub- sequent plate-ups for traces and so forth. You generate all your ultra-fine line circuitry with LMI. It is a non-aqueous substance that car- ries a palladium complex in solution. It can be coated through a dip method, a spray method, and other ways. At ASC, we use the dip method. Unlocking Advanced Circuitry Through Liquid Metal Ink Feature Interview by the I-Connect007 Editorial Team

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