PCB007 Magazine


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22 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 because they have stepped away from the daily environment to care for their newborn ere is also a fear that maternity leave may hinder their progress within a specific com- pany. Women who take extended leave oen face challenges in climbing the career lad- der upon their return 3 . Although the tech industry is known for its rapid pace, the industry also may risk being seen as out of touch with policies that appeal to a newer generation. Workplace Culture Typically, workplace culture is a top pri- ority designed to attract and retain employ- ees, but the electronics industry culture can be demanding with its long hours and high expectations. Despite advancements in pol- icy, the high-pressure environment may not always effectively accommodate the needs of new parents. e Pew Research Center highlights that while many companies are improving their maternity leave policies, the culture around long working hours can still pose significant challenges for working par- ents 4 . Growth Opportunities To capture the attention of the next gener- ation, companies can improve their mater- nity leave policies that adopt comprehensive maternity leave policies, develop robust sup- port systems for new mothers, promote a work culture that values work-life balance, and offer flexible work options. Flexible work options Many companies are already adopting paid leave and offering flexible work options and support for back-to-work mothers. For instance, Microso's policy of 20 weeks of paid maternity leave and phased return options shows a commitment to supporting new par- ents 5 . Developing support systems Integrating support systems such as mentor- ship programs and return-to-work plans can help ease the transition for new mothers. e Harvard Business Review discusses how these initiatives can improve employee retention and satisfaction 6 . Work-life balance A work-life balance is crucial to retaining talent in the electronics industry. Companies need to encourage open discussions about the challenges new parents face when balancing their career and family lives, which can help shi workplace attitudes about working par- ents. According to a Catalyst study, organiza- tions that support work-life balance tend to see higher employee engagement and lower turn- over rates 7 . " Women who take extended leave oen face challenges in climbing the career ladder upon their return. "

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