PCB007 Magazine


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38 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 I didn't even know about myself, and offered me a chance to move into sales, working out of Chicago. Away I went, and that's how I started my career. Forty-six years later, I'm still in the same business. I would like to hear more about your role as vice president of technical marketing at Isola. What were some of your accomplishments and challenges? Yes, but first let me share some history of the company. Norplex was a copper-clad laminate David Griesel, CEO of Sunrise Group, has been in the PCB industry for nearly 50 years. "I didn't even have a desk when I started," says David, who, as a fresh college graduate, got his start at Norplex, a company in Wiscon- sin that made plastic. "At that time, I had no idea what plastic was even about." But it gave him an opportunity to learn the business from the ground up. He worked in customer ser- vice, followed by technical sales and market- ing through several iterations of the company, including as Isola. I hope you'll enjoy this interview with David as much as I did. As a scientist who is some- what new to the PCB industry and searching for a job where I can best put my skills to work, there is much value in hearing from industry veterans and their advice for those of us who are just getting started. David, what first drew you into this industry? David Griesel: To be honest, I wasn't drawn into the industry; I was just looking for work. I received a job opportunity at a plastics com- pany called Norplex, and I had no idea what plastic was even about. But I learned, inter- viewed, and had the opportunity to join the company in customer service. It was a funny start. I didn't even have a desk when I started. ey had to bring in a desk and put it in an empty doorway. at's where I sat. My job entailed interfacing with everything from production to finance, sales, and data processing. I got to learn the business from the ground up. ey saw something in me that David Griesel: Career Success Requires Tenacity, Flexibility Material Insight by Preeya Kuray, Ph.D. David Griesel

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