PCB007 Magazine


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44 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 Editor's note: is column orginally appeared in the July 2024 issue of PCB007 Magazine. Direct metallization systems based on con- ductive graphite or carbon dispersion are quickly gaining acceptance throughout the world. Indeed, the environmental and pro- ductivity gains one can achieve with this pro- cess are outstanding. In today's highly compet- itive and litigious environment, direct metal- lization reduces costs associated with compli- ance, waste treatment, and legal issues related to chemical exposure. What makes these pro- cesses leaders in the direct metallization space? is is detailed below. The Carbon-based Systems (Graphite and Carbon Black) While both are carbon-based materials, graphite and carbon black have a few differ- Processes to Support IC Substrates and Advanced Packaging, Part 5 ences. e graphite process is based on a very fine and stable aqueous dispersion of synthetic crystalline graphite. e graphite particle, by virtue of its crystalline structure, is highly con- ductive. Carbon black is an amorphous mate- rial with the ability to conduct current. Both materials are well-represented in the global market for printed circuit board fabrication. So, what makes these two carbon-based pro- cesses ideal for thin material metallization and plated through-holes? Both processes are quite versatile in their ability to deposit the carbon or graphite on non-conductive materials. ese carbon- based systems can be likened to a coating tech- nology; surface topography is not an issue to adhere to the resin materials. is fact is especially important today as the industry's material suppliers push the envelope to produce higher-performance resins and Trouble in Your Tank by Michael Carano, IPC CONSULTANT

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