PCB007 Magazine


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54 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 now expanded its portfolio of solutions for customers, so how has DIS expanded technologically from its core as a registration equipment supplier? Jesse Ziomek: Marcy, along with the new facil- ity came a lot of new technology and updates. We have completely new product lines and have streamlined manufacturing for mass pro- duction. It stems back to the COVID era when we couldn't travel and had some extra time on our hands. We said to ourselves, "is is an opportunity. What will we do with this time?" Fortunately, we have a lot of young, gung-ho employees on our engineering team who are always willing to take on a challenge in devel- DIS: Leaping Into Tech and Automation Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 DIS recently opened a new facility in New York state, providing an abundance of oppor- tunity for DIS and its customers. Jesse Ziomek, president of global business development at DIS, discusses the strides made in tech inno- vation and automation, expanding DIS's cus- tomer portfolio to address the challenges its customers have been grappling with, and entering new markets such as rigid-flex and flexible PCBs. Marcy LaRont: Jesse, it's always great to talk with you. Your new facility is twice the size of the original, and a lot of opportunity and planning went into that endeavor. DIS has

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