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OCTOBER 2024 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 13 Please describe the Shadow product and its benefits. Why graphite, and what is the cost/benefit argument for moving to this technology? Graphite-based Shadow processing increases the conductivity of the dielectric surface, improving the propagation rate of the subse- quent electrolytic copper. Additionally, Shadow uses a patented wet-etch technology which improves the line-and-space capability, meet- ing the needs for mSAP and high-end HDI man- ufacturing. Our latest DM technologies allow us to reduce the number of steps in the primary metallization process from 15+ to nine, min- imizing operator labor and rinse water steps. Shadow Plus allows the fabricator to reduce the number of steps to six, further improving sav- ings from previous DM generations. From a sustainability standpoint, electro- less copper utilizes precious metals and known carcinogens such as palladium and formalde- hyde in the process of making holes conduc- tive. DM enables lower operating temperatures and, because it uses half the number of pro- cess steps, the consumption of water, power, and chemicals decreases. Power and water consumption are lowered by 55% and 80%, respectively, due to lower operating temper- atures, fewer rinses, and dryers. Additionally, waste treatment effluent is reduced by up to 70% compared to electroless copper, and the technology eliminates the need for heavy met- als, chelators, and known carcinogens such as formaldehyde. Also, the volatility of palladium pricing in electroless plating drives significant variation in operating costs compared to direct metallization. e electroless copper process also requires constant balancing via a feed-and-bleed sys- tem to maintain the plating rate and reduce the risk of plate-out. Comparatively, direct met- allization is an inherently more stable, consis- tent, and controllable process with fewer addi- tions required. Shadow Plus direct metalliza- tion delivers measurable reductions in power, water, and chemical consumption, helping to contribute to sustainability goals throughout the supply chain.