PCB007 Magazine


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32 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 its to be incorporated. Figure 8 shows EPIG performance against the industry standard ENEPIG, which incorporates the nickel layer. We see EPIG performing competitively with ENIG and ENEPIG in this representation. We are excited to have processes that are well-positioned for the premium nickel-free market, including products with thin, low- porosity palladium diffusion layers. is port- folio fits well with our enhanced RAIG pro- cesses, and uses a proprietary reaction to pro- duce a high-reliability, thin and tightly grain- structured pure palladium layer. For the lower cost, high frequency market, the conductivity advantages of our immersion silver are significant; our development lab has Figure 7: EPIG wire bonding performance using 1-mil gold wire. made great strides in increasing its overall per- formance and versatility. ere are also advantages to combining the conductivity, low cost, and simple process flow of immersion silver with an RAIG final finish. is novel deposit stack combines the benefits of silver with the tarnish resistance of a gold overlay. e process dramatically increases shelf life and is compatible with com- plex assembly processes. ese facts, and a low cost, are expanding the landscape for immer- sion silver. Figure 9 shows the performance of ISIG in wire bonding as plated and aer baking. e wire bond performance is com- fortably above specification for this final finish deposit.

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