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88 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 very clean floor. We use gravity so the waste feeds down to the sub-fab. From there, we pump it over to an adjacent facility that uses some of the most advanced bio-treatment capabilities available. We piloted that capabil- ity in our Zhongshan, China plant, which is immediately next to a major aquaculture facil- ity. At that site, we honed our process with a sensitivity to our neighbors and the adjacent river. Zhongshan was a wonderful pilot project for us, and we used its capability as the basis for our treatment facility in Penang. We are currently working on phase two of this facility, and we sized the waste treatment facility to accommodate these requirements. Our general philosophy has been to ensure we are not only in compliance, but are exceeding any local requirements. How does this relate to the New York facility you're building? e ultra HDI Syracuse, New York, facility is a scaled version of the one in Penang, however, we have been learning a lot from the construc- tion experience and applying best practices to the new project. e building and equip- ment will look similar in many ways to Pen- ang. ere are other process steps that will be unique to Syracuse, but the core of the facility will look very similar to Penang. We've also learned a lot about the audit and qualification processes. In Syracuse, we have a smaller number of core customers to focus on, but the audit steps will be extensive, so we want to ensure we come to agreement on cus- tomer audit requirements prior to start up. Tom, thank you so much for your time. Congratulations on the new facility. Great to talk to you again, Marcy. PCB007 Note: Oracle, Java, MySQL, and NetSuite are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. ing samples, going through extensive customer audits, and sample qualifications with key cus- tomers. What is the learning curve for your customers? is is a greenfield, high-layer count facility. ey're used to seeing facilities start up with low-layer count and then gradually build their way up to a higher layer count, so the produc- tion data isn't really available when you're in a greenfield environment. As a result of this factor, we have seen customers adjust audit plans and sampling requirements as they work through qualification stages. In general, qualification efforts have proven more complex than we initially expected, but the operation itself is running well. I'm really pleased with that. This is a greenfield site with a lot of automation. How did sustainability play into your plans? First and foremost, our facility currently has the largest solar panel roof installations in Pen- ang and likely all of Malaysia. at will account for a decent portion of our energy require- ments. We feed the necessary chemistry from the floor above our tools. is allows us to keep a Tom Edman

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