PCB007 Magazine


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96 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 7. Substitute the values of exponents in the main equation, and form the non-dimen- sional parameters by grouping the vari- ables with the exponents: e Reynolds Number can now be used as the pseudo-independent variable to produce the famous Moody diagram for friction loss in fluids flowing through pipes (Figure 5). Example e Reynolds Number is just one of 154 dimensionless parameters used in engineer- ing. Figure 6 shows 77 of the 154 DPs and also highlights the Mach Number which is not velocity but the inertia force/elastic force of a moving body. Summary Hopefully, this Tech Talk has introduced you to some new PCB metrics and/or FOMs. It is important to understand where your organiza- tion fits into the Five Stages of Metrics: 1. Age of Anarchy (60%): Where anything goes (over-the-wall approach). 2. Age of Folklore (25%): Where wisdom is passed from one generation to another over pizza and beer (an attempt is made). 3. Age of Methodology (10%): e way DFM/A is to be engineered is documented and is actually done that way (using a figure of merit). 4. Age of Metrics (4%): Both the product and the manufacturing processes are measured in standardized ways. 5. Age of Engineering (1%): Producibility is achieved through continuous quality improvements for both design and man- ufacturing, much like it is in enlightened management. PCB007 References 1. Chapter 10, 24 Essential Skills for Engineers, by Happy Holden. 2. Chapter 19, 24 Essential Skills for Engineers, by Happy Holden. 3. Chapter 9, 24 Essential Skills for Engineers, by Happy Holden. Happy Holden has worked in printed circuit technology since 1970 with Hewlett-Packard, NanYa Westwood, Merix, Foxconn, and Gentex. He is currently a contributing technical editor with I-Connect007, and the author of Automation and Advanced Procedures in PCB Fabrication, and 24 Essential Skills for Engineers. To read past columns, click here.

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