electrical and electronic equipment. e new
sheet films exhibit high water-resistance and
are highly flexible with a high elongation of
500%. LIOTELAN shielding films can be hot-
press molded on to the electromagnetic inter-
ference (EMI) noise source on the PCB.
Flexible Circuits Acquires
Third CBT/MLI DI System from
Technica USA E
Technica USA reported that Flexible Circuits
purchased their third CBT/MLI direct imag-
ing (DI) system for their plant expansion.
New OE-A Roadmap Unveils
Exciting Printed Electronics
Industry Prospects E
e highly anticipated OE-A Roadmap offers
valuable insights into the present state and
prospects of flexible, organic, and printed
electronics. e whitepaper delves into key
markets such as automotive, consumer elec-
tronics, healthcare, printing and packaging,
smart building, and Internet of ings, provid-
ing comprehensive analyses and forecasts for
each sector.
Worldwide Wearables Market Is
Forecast to Rebound in 2023 with
Continued Growth Thereafter E
Aer declining for the first time ever in 2022,
worldwide shipments of wearable devices
are forecast to rebound in 2023, reaching a
total of 504.1 million units, according to new
data from the International Data Corporation
(IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Wearable Device
Insulectro Announces New Partnership
With Laminate Suppliers Arlon Electronics
Materials and EMC E
Insulectro has announced it will become the
exclusive distributor for North America of
Arlon copper clad laminates beginning Sep-
tember 4, 2023. Arlon is also the master dis-
tributor for Elite Materials Company (EMC),
based in Taiwan, bringing both product lines
to Insulectro.
Rigid-flex, Rigidized Flex,
or Hybrid Flex? E
In a recent interview with Design007 Maga-
zine managing editor Andy Shaughnessy, he
asked me about rigid-flex and its new popularity.
is seems like a perfect opportunity to dig
into the topic and discuss the differentiation
between rigid-flex, rigidized flex, and what I
am calling a hybrid flex.
Challenges of DFM Analysis for Flex
and Rigid-Flex Design, Part 3 E
DFM analysis tools for the last several decades
have focused on a typical rigid PCB or some vari-
ant. While many standard DFM constraints are
applicable, flex has many unique requirements
that cannot be addressed with typical DFM anal-
ysis. Flex and rigid-flex DFM must be targeted
toward the unique materials and processes used
to produce flex and rigid-flex designs.
Toyochem Develops Highly Flexible EMI
Shielding Films for Smart Devices E
Toyochem Co., Ltd. has rolled out the new
LIOTELAN line of highly flexible conductive
and insulating sheet films for the protection of