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JUNE 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 69 Siemens AG, a leading technology com- pany, and Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn), have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to drive digi- tal transformation and sustainability in smart manufacturing platforms. The col- laboration focuses on global manufac- turing processes in electronics, informa- tion and communications technology, and electric vehicles (EV). Technical paper writing is in dan- ger of becoming a lost art. In today's fast-paced world, infor- mation is often communicated digitally in brief formats like text messages, posts, and video clips. PowerPoint presentations are useful for conveying information in most professional settings. Congratulations to Pierre-Jean Albrieux, who received the 2024 IPC Raymond E. Pritchard Hall of Fame Award. In this interview, Marcy LaRont talks with Pierre- Jean to learn more about his com- pany, his connection with IPC, and how he feels about receiving this honor. PRIDE Industries is the lead- ing employer of people with disabilities and those with other barriers to employ- ment in the United States, including veterans and for- mer foster youth. The company offers job train- ing, placement, on-the-job coaching, and skills development for independent living. It has held IPC membership since 2000. Emerald Technologies announced its acquisition of Optimum Design Associates, Inc. (Optimum), a leading electronic design and engineering services company. The Emerald Technologies subsidiary brands–DataED, Bestronics, Inc., Veris Manufacturing, Saline Electronics, and Ascentron, Inc.– will all rebrand under the single Emerald Technologies name. Jon Schmitz, who manages customer engagement at River- Side Integrated Solutions, talks about what it really takes to be successful in offering EMS and final assembly services under the same company banner. For the latest news and information, visit Stan Rak: Elevating the Ideas and Insights of IPC's Thought Leaders Program IPC Raymond E. Pritchard Hall of Fame Award: Pierre-Jean Albrieux Determining the Value-add of Box Build Emerald Technologies Acquires Optimum Siemens, Foxconn Team Up to Optimize Forward-thinking Manufacturing All-Inclusive: PRIDE Industries Helps Employees With Disabilities to Succeed

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