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4 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 FEATURE INTERVIEWS Where Is the China Business Going? with Jered Stoehr and Paul Forker Governments Struggle with Silicon-to-Systems Approach with Chris Mitchell FEATURE ARTICLES Has It Really Been Survival Mode? by Mark Wolfe Effectively Using Dashboards at Ascentron by David Hollingsworth FEATURE COLUMNS The Difference Between Critical and Distracting Decision-making by Mike Konrad Diversifying PCB Manufacturing Through Nearshoring by Preeya Kuray JUNE 2024 • FEATURED CONTENT The basis of chaos theory is a key concept known as the "butterfly effect." It's the idea that a small event in one place creates a cascading set of events elsewhere. So, how is this evident in the EMS landscape? We're tracking the concerns and dynamics of this landscape, from the supply chain to workforce shortages and solutions. And there's a lot to learn. The Butterfly Effect 16 40 10 26 46 62 10 16 40 62

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