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68 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 IPC achieved a landmark in 2023 IPC created an apprentice- ship program approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. The response from industry has been enthusiastic. Zentech Man- ufacturing is the first employer partner to adopt IPC's national program. IPC is working with Zentech to secure grant funding that will help offset the costs incurred with training. When I started working on global sourcing for American Standard Circuits, a friend sent me a book by the NY Times econ- omist Thomas Friedman called "The Lexis and the Olive Tree." Well, not being a fan of the NYT or even economists as a whole, I put the book on a shelf and forgot about it until I got a call from my book-giving friend, and he asked me what I thought of the book. I mumbled something unintelligible and quickly changed the subject. In the ever-evolving landscape of elec- tronics manufactur- ing, the box-build process stands out as a critical phase that bridges the gap between individual com- ponent manufacturing and the delivery of a fully functional electronic system. Mike Konrad delves into the subject of box-build best prac- tices within the electronics assembly space in a conversation with Out Of The Box Manufac- turing in Renton, Washington. Zentech First to Adopt IPC Apprenticeship National Program Standards Global Sourcing Spotlight: Golf, Friedman, and the Benefits of Global Sourcing The Knowledge Base: A CM's Perspective on Box Build Practices TOP TEN EDITOR'S PICKS Jake Benz, LPKF sales manager for North America, discusses the company's advancements in laser depaneling. LPKF has introduced a green wavelength laser for processing rigid FR-4 circuit boards, bringing significant gains in processing speeds to market. Real Time with... IPC APEX EXPO 2024: Advancements in Laser Depaneling with LPKF Jake Benz

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