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60 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 Big Win for Defense Production Act Budget Allocation in FY24 Budget E e U.S. FY24 budget allocations passed with a whopping $874.2 billion approved in defense spending, including $587.9 million for all Defense Production Act (DPA) pur- chases. In this interview, Rich Cappetto dis- cusses this big budget win, the difficult pro- cess to get there, and what to expect in the coming months. USPAE to Springboard U.S. Technology Forward E e proposed USPAE's Printed Circuit Board Market Catalyst program is a unique public- private partnership (PPP) designed to deliver five core benefits to the U.S. industry and gov- ernment: UHDI capability; catalyze demand for UHDI; technology transfer to U.S. compa- nies; workforce development; delivering leap- frog technologies. Boeing Validates Software for Future Manned Unmanned Refueling Missions E Boeing has advanced its manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) technology. e testing shows the soware is maturing for future U.S. Navy use and a potential to deploy on both F/A-18 Block II and III Super Hornets. U.S. Air Force Secretary Kendall Flies in AI-Piloted X-62A VISTA E Lockheed Martin Skunk Works joined the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School and other govern- ment and industry partners in hosting U.S. Sec- retary of the Air Force Frank Kendall to fly in the X-62A Variable In-flight Simulation Test Aircra (VISTA), a one-of-a-kind aircra modified to test artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomy capabilities. Airbus Expands its Earth Observation Constellation with Pléiades Neo Next E Airbus has launched the Pléiades Neo Next programme to expand its very high resolution Earth observation constellation. is new pro- gramme will result in new satellite assets and capabilities, including enhanced native resolu- tion. QinetiQ Achieves UK's First Jet-to-Jet Teaming Between Aircraft and Autonomous Drone E QinetiQ has successfully trialled the UK's first Crewed-Uncrewed-Teaming demonstration between a crewed aircra and an autonomous jet drone. QinetiQ's Airborne Command and Control for Swarm Interoperable Missions (ACCSIOM) technology, allows the drone to communicate using the standard NATO Link 16 datalink. Redwire Announces Development of New European-Built Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) Spacecraft Platform called Phantom E Redwire Corporation announced Phantom, a new European Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) spacecra platform. Phantom is designed to carry out a wide array of intelligence, Earth science, and communications missions. Phan- tom joins Redwire's American-built VLEO spacecra platform, SabreSat.

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