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52 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 optimize inspection processes. They also explore the significance of SPI, AOI, and X-ray technologies in ensuring quality con- trol in manufacturing processes. Of particular emphasis is the need for a strategic approach to inspection, consider- ing factors like cycle time, operational costs, and the impact of false calls on productivity. Ward provides valuable insights into lever- aging AI and advanced inspection technol- ogies to enhance manufacturing efficiency and quality control. In this audio interview, Barry Matties and Omron Technical Manager Brad Ward dis- cuss the trends and challenges with respect to data collection and analysis in the PCB manufacturing industry. Brad and Barry pay particular attention to automated inspec- tion, AI integration, and the importance of data analytics in improving inspection capa- bilities. The conversation touches on how AI based analytics can be leveraged to enhance defect detection, reduce false calls, and Leveraging AI and Advanced Inspection Technologies

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