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8 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 Nolan's Notes by Nolan Johnson, I-CONNECT007 The Changing EMS Landscape When I was growing up, my parents would occasionally make the long, two-and-a-half- day drive from Oregon to Minnesota. My pre- ferred seat in our station wagon was at the very back, facing backward like a tail gunner, tak- ing in the panoramic view as I sat perched on top of my duffel bag of clothes. My parents would give me my own AAA roadmap because they knew I liked to chart our progress and alert Dad to upcoming rest stops and roadside attractions. I was the voice-only guidance sys- tem of the 1970s and a handy tour guide for my parents to where we could find the best bum- per stickers and souvenirs. To this day, I can conjure up mental snapshots from the plains of South Dakota to the forests of Montana. In the early 2000s, taking my own family on long road trips looked quite different. e kids packed their flip phones and mobile game devices and had a DVD player mounted to the ceiling of our minivan. Once we were on the road, the kids drew the side curtains, and the movies started to play. For them, this was an uninterrupted opportunity to experience a

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