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JUNE 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 9 rolling theater room and the back of the mini- van seemed more like first-class accommoda- tions on a plane that simply taxied them all the way from Oregon to Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Dis- neyland, or our other favorite destinations. As I drove my family across those many miles, I'd reflect on my own road trips as a child, and how different the experience was for my kids: ey were generally focused inward rather than outward. ey immensely enjoyed the ride, but I would ponder about what they were missing. Just like in my younger days, I still acted as the tour guide for everyone in the car, calling out upcoming sites as I occasion- ally demanded my kids open the curtains and take breaks from their devices. I wanted them to experience the open road like I had, practi- cally begging them to help me navigate those long stretches between cities. But they would have none of it. In our day-to-day work, we might feel like we focus too much on internal operations. Like my children, we settle in for the long ride, tending to stay in our comfort zone where we can immediately fix the problem in front of us. But for a better perspective, sometimes we need to throw open the proverbial curtains, look out the window, and watch the constant— and changing—landscapes. My role as an editor is to track the changing landscape for you. I spot the trends, consult with a variety of industry voices, and alert you to what's over the horizon. I'm a tour guide and a mapmaker at the same time. With so many changes in our industry, it oen feels like we're charting our course minute by minute. e basis of chaos theory is a key concept known as the "butterfly effect." It's the idea that a small event in one place (a butterfly flapping its wings in Spain) creates a cascading set of fol- low-on events that just might turn into a storm across Africa that becomes a hurricane striking Florida. e connections between cause and effect are not always obvious, but nevertheless are there—if you look for them. Again, choos- ing to look outward rather than inward. Nolan Johnson is managing editor of SMT007 Magazine. Nolan brings 30 years of career experience focused almost entirely on electronics design and manufacturing. To contact Johnson, click here. We've felt the butterfly effect, especially in recent years. Just one little change can turn into ever larger and cascading repercussions. What are some of those small changes that are bringing about big results? In this issue, we talk about supply chain issues, workforce short- ages, post-tariff and geopolitical shis, and new opportunities in other countries. EMS consultant Mark Wolfe addresses these changes. He wonders if we've been in survival mode for too long. Columnist Mike Konrad helps us understand the differences between critical and distracting decision-making. Ali- son James, IPC senior director of European government relations, shares what's happen- ing across the pond while IPC VP of Gov- ernment Relations Chris Mitchell tackles the issues in Washington, D.C. Looking to our neighbors in the south, the leadership team from Milwaukee Electronics represents strong solutions for EMS providers in Mexico. We also have a column from Preeya Kuray about nearshoring that includes her personal inter- view with Microfab, a company also making headway in Mexico. As we take this opportunity to look out the window, I've shared just a few highlights from this issue, but I encourage you to consider what it means for your business. How would you benefit by "turning off the DVD player" and surveying your own landscape? What would you find? What changes could you make that will lead to a stronger business strategy? How can you manage this butterfly effect? Finally, what has your company done to solve a problem or respond to a challenge? Share your ideas for what SMT007 Magazine should cover. Who knows? Your short email just might be the flutter of butterfly wings. SMT007

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