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24 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 to do your due diligence. Make sure the com- pany is technically capable, and that you're the right size customer for them—not too small or too large. I see cases where the larger EMS compa- nies will, when times are a little slow, start sell- ing to customers who aren't the right size for them. en business picks up, and they suf- fer because they're a low-priority customer. Ask your prospective suppliers, "Where will I fit? How much are you growing every year? Are we growing at the same rate, so we will continue to be an important customer in the future?" It costs a lot of money to change part- ners, so choose carefully. Stoehr: Fit is a big criterion. Also, understand the stability of the management team and key staff. In the same way that hourly folks can jump around, it's the same dynamic with the management team and key employees. If the factory down the road is offering a little more money, that makes a big difference to people. Understanding the stability of a company is important. Finally, and this has been a big one for some of our potential customers, is to con- sider the autonomy and local decision-mak- ing. Some larger EMS companies maintain program managers in the U.S. who are man- aging the Mexican operations. It creates a challenging dynamic for customers because the local people who are living with the problems day-to-day are not the decision- makers. Our solution is to have our program managers local in Mexico, so that they can make those decisions right there. at allows us to be more responsive.

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