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56 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 tion, a clear sign to OEMs and customers that the listed PCB and EMS manufacturers are "safe" suppliers who will consis- tently guard their IP and where no counterfeit parts will ever be used. ough the word "audit" continues to instill fear and trepidation in business own- ers, "e difference between Validation Services and some- thing like an ISO audit is that a VS audit is completely confidential, and you are simply given what you need to improve so that you can complete your audit successfully," says Mike Milostan, IPC director of market- ing. "Once a company is ready, we come back in, do the full-scale audit, and issue a qualifi- cation that is valid for three years. Both inter- nally, from a process improvement and quality control standpoint, to externally, from a cus- tomer perception perspective and passing that first hurdle of vendor qualification, Validation Services is a tremendous value for the compa- nies that participate." Here is everything you need to know about Validation Services and whether it is some- thing you should consider. Marcy LaRont: Why should a company pursue Validation Services from IPC? What does it mean and what are the benefits? Randy Cherry: e goal for Validation Ser- vices (besides "Build Electronics Better") has always been to create a series of qualification programs that focus on manufacturing pro- cesses. Quality is considered by reviewing a company's existing Quality Management Sys- tems (QMS). Qualifying to an IPC standard is a clear sign to OEMs and customers that this company has completed the steps to verify that it manufactures and makes products that either meet or exceed the written IPC standards. What's the difference between a Qualified Product List (QPL) and a Qualified Manufacturer List (QML)? e QPL program focus is on the products and equipment used in the electronics indus- try. e QML program's focus is on the manufacturing and assembly processes. Between QPL and QML, we have over 140 company certifications. Why is there a need for both? IPC facilitates the development of industry- written standards in many areas. IPC Valida- tion Services takes these standards and devel- ops vigorous qualification programs that take a deeper dive into the products and the pro- cesses that are required for best in class. Take us on a typical QPL/QML journey. We begin with our team educating the cus- tomer on the value and how to use the IPC standards properly. ere is oen a lack of clarity around this for the customer. Next, our team determines which program is the best solution for that customer. We provide a quote and create the contract and the actual assess- ment/audit checklist for the internal customer self-assessment. Once the self-assessment is completed, reviewed, and discussed with the customer, an audit date is scheduled. Onsite audits can take anywhere from one to four days, depending on the program. Once that's complete and all open corrective actions are closed, a three-year qualification certificate is provided. Annual assessments are conducted on the anniversary date of the completed on- site audit. Aer three years, the process starts over. IPC Validation Services has an incredible retention rate of 98%. is clearly shows that customers who sign up for any VS program stick with it because they have seen the value of participating. Randy Cherry

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