PCB007 Magazine


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12 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 Developments included the creation of robust frameworks and advanced encryption tech- niques to safeguard data. e IEEE 7000™ Stan- dards Working Groups has made significant strides in ensuring ethical alignment in auton- omous and intelligent systems, tackling poten- tial ethical issues up front to foster greater trust and market acceptance. In addition to these focus areas, a continuing rise in screen time among children and teenag- ers that began during the COVID-19 pandemic has also underscored the need for standards addressing the data governance of younger users. IEEE SA played a pivotal role in this area, advancing standards such as IEEE 2089™ for Age-Appropriate Digital Services, IEEE 2089.1™ for Online Age Verification, and IEEE 3527.1™ for Digital Intelligence (DQ). IEEE's CertifAIEd program is pivotal in building this trust by focusing on risk gover- nance in the context of AI and rapid techno- logical changes. e program implements effective data governance frameworks that uniquely address and emphasize the impor- tance of accountability, transparency in data usage, algorithmic bias mitigation, and data privacy management. e program's approach to system-level value-based design ensures that while products themselves aren't certified, the overarching systems are vetted for ethical and secure operation. is holistic framework pro- motes trust and reliability in emerging tech- nologies, setting a foundation for robust data governance as we move into 2024 and beyond. Edge Computing Edge computing and big data analytics offer real-time data processing capabilities that reduce latency and enhance decision-mak- ing. is technology is crucial for applications requiring immediate insights, such as autono- mous vehicles and smart cities, and is becom- ing even more integral. Although cloud architecture has gained pop- ularity, the role of edge computing is becoming increasingly important. While the cloud offers reduced capital expenditures by eliminating the need for physical servers, it introduces higher operational costs due to data transmis- sion and storage. In contrast, edge computing presents a compelling case for managing data locally. By processing data at the edge, orga- nizations can achieve cost efficiencies and enhance data safety, minimizing exposure to the broader internet. is approach also sup- ports improved energy efficiency and simpler data governance. Driven by the high costs and inefficiencies of cloud data processing, there has been a signif- icant push toward adopting edge frameworks over the past few years. ough edge comput- ing allows for more sustainable operations, particularly as energy efficiency becomes a key concern it is essential to strike a balance between cloud and edge solutions. e edge cannot entirely replace the cloud, necessitat- ing strategic decisions on what data to pro- cess locally and what to offload to the cloud. is hybrid approach ensures that organiza- tions can leverage the strengths of both envi- ronments, optimizing performance, cost, and security. In 2025, the trend toward edge com- puting will continue, offering a more nuanced " is holistic framework promotes trust and reliability in emerging technologies... "

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