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18 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 parameters that will be achieved by the new tech, and necessary interfaces to work with them are important; if there are broad objec- tives we can expect the most useful roadmaps. When embarking on developing or utilizing a technology roadmap, company leadership should address these four essential questions: • Where are we today? • Where could we go? • Where should we go? • Where are we currently headed? Here are the basic steps in creating a technol- ogy roadmap: • Identify your strategic objectives • Determine the roadmap's audience(s) • Establish your roadmap's major themes • Share your roadmap with relevant stakeholders • Refine your roadmap based on stakeholder input • Meet with your team to assign responsibilities and start making progress e other key thing to remember is that the roadmaps of other organizations or sectors will likely impact the roadmap you are developing. ese should be reflected to ensure the various pieces play together well. Knowing the right level of trust to put in technology prognostication is a truly valuable skill in today's ever-changing technological landscape. When the landscape changes as fast as the electronics industry does, you better be sure your technology roadmap is flexible and up-to-date, or you will not end up where you intended. PCB007 Dr. John W. Mitchell is president and CEO of IPC. To read past columns, click here. by Tom Yang, CEE PCB Last time, we discussed the similarities between Chinese and American companies, and I am excited to say that we found many. It made me think about ways companies from both countries and cultures can successfully work together when we put aside our differences and combine our resources. So, I did some research and found these examples. Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances Joint ventures and strategic alliances are pow- erful ways for companies to leverage each other's strengths while sharing risks. A joint venture involves two or more parties creating a new business entity, characterized by shared ownership, returns, risks, and governance. By entering joint ventures, American and Chinese companies can combine their techno- logical expertise, market knowledge, and resources to develop new products or expand into new markets. American companies can benefit from China's man- ufacturing capabilities and extensive market, while Chinese companies can access the U.S.'s advanced technology and global networks. Example: General Motors and SAIC The partnership between General Motors (GM) and SAIC Motor Corp. has allowed GM to tap into the Chinese market while enabling SAIC to benefit from GM's technological advancements and expertise in automobile manufacturing. Click here to read the rest of this column. GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Our Strength Comes From Working Together

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