PCB007 Magazine


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14 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 and efficient approach to data management and processing. Automation, AI, and the Metaverse e metaverse has captured significant atten- tion over the past few years, promising immer- sive and interactive experiences. At the same time, automation and AI have revolutionized various sectors by enhancing efficiency and productivity. Focus has been on integrating AI into existing systems to optimize operations. Currently, the metaverse stands at a piv- otal juncture with AI poised to drive its next growth phase. e interplay between AI and the metaverse is transformative, offering new avenues for innovation and engagement. Gen- erative AI, in particular, is a game-changer, enabling the rapid creation of virtual worlds, objects, and dynamic character-driven expe- riences, especially in gaming. is technol- ogy doesn't just enhance the metaverse; it also benefits from it. e metaverse provides a rich, diverse environment for AI to develop and refine its capabilities, from simulating autono- mous driving to creating intricate virtual econ- omies. Yet compared to previous years, enthu- siasm for the metaverse is waning, giving way to a resurgence in virtual and augmented real- ity (VR/AR). AR integration is gaining trac- tion across various automation sectors, such as automobile manufacturing where entire train- ing modules are conducted via AR. While the broader interest in the metaverse declines, it remains significant in the gaming industry, particularly with digital avatars mim- icking human interactions. Automation con- tinues to advance, especially in training appli- cations, harnessing the capabilities of AR for more effective and immersive learning experi- ences. is shi highlights the evolving land- scape where practical applications of AR are prioritized over the broader and oen hyped concept of the metaverse, aligning technologi- cal advancements with tangible industry needs and efficiencies. To support the continued growth of meta- verse technology, IEEE SA is developing stan- dards like IEEE P3141 and the IEEE 3079 series, which aim to define digital avatar. ese efforts seek to enhance the experience associ- ated with immersive interaction, ensuring the metaverse evolves sustainably and robustly. ese trends inspire the innovations we see today. Data governance, automation, AI, edge computing, and the metaverse have all pro- gressed from emerging concepts to integral components of modern technology ecosys- tems. As these trends conintue to evolve, we see new opportunities and challenges. e ongoing development in these areas promises a future where technology is more intelligent, secure, and interconnected. PCB007 Srikanth Chandrasekaran is practice lead, senior director, Foundational Technologies, IEEE SA. " Focus has been on integrating AI into existing systems to optimize operations. "

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