PCB007 Magazine


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38 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 control. Additionally, we will provide a prac- tical example of how such solutions are imple- mented and the benefit they can bring to elec- trical energy consumption optimization for sustainable manufacturing. Importance of Data-driven Solutions Data-driven solutions are the foundation for Smart factory operations. By leverag- ing data analytics and AI technologies, man- ufacturers can achieve operational efficiency, reduce downtime, enhance product quality, and ensure equipment sustainability. Proac- tively monitoring equipment health, predict- ing potential failures, optimizing maintenance Data-driven Industrial Digital Solutions Drive Quality and Reduce Costs Article by Mikalai Kuchuk MKS' ATOTECH Data-driven digital solutions for decision support, process optimization, and opera- tional efficiency have emerged as essential ele- ments for the PCB manufacturing industry, leveraging technologies such as IIoT (Indus- trial Internet of ings), machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) to pro- vide real-time insights into equipment health and performance in the first place. In the following article, we will explore the importance and impact of data-driven solu- tions on industrial operations, specifically focusing on condition and energy monitor- ing, traceability, predictive maintenance, pro- cess optimization, and closed-loop intelligent

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