PCB007 Magazine


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40 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 schedules, and reducing energy consumption are just some of the key benefits these soware solutions can enable. Data Collection and Monitoring Equipment data collection is the first foun- dational pillar for understanding the efficiency and effectiveness of the production line. Man- ufacturers capture production data, alarm information, and specific parameters used in the manufacturing process to identify areas for improvement and optimize production pro- cesses. Detailed data analysis provides insights into production performance, facilitating con- tinuous improvement and operational effi- ciency. Condition Monitoring As an important part of Smart manufac- turing, condition monitoring involves real- time tracking of the equipment's perfor- mance through IIoT data, allowing real-time assessment of the health of your equipment. By analyzing this data, manufacturers can quickly detect performance deviations and act promptly to minimize failures. Condition monitoring enables proactive maintenance actions, ensuring equipment operates at peak efficiency and reduces the impact of unplanned downtime. Traceability • Quality parameters monitoring: Quality control is a key focus in manufacturing operations, with detailed records of pro- duction parameters maintained to trace quality issues to specific production batches. Monitoring parameters such as temperature, pressure, and material specifications enables manufacturers to identify the root causes of defects and take corrective actions to maintain product quality standards. • Alarms management: Alarms play a critical role in traceability, indicating issues that require immediate attention. By analyzing alarm data, manufactur- ers can implement preventive measures to avoid recurring problems and maintain consistent product quality. Effective alarm management ensures timely responses to potential issues, minimizing downtime and disruption to production operations.

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