PCB007 Magazine


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SEPTEMBER 2024 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 31 desmear and metallization processes that follow, can also be challenging with high- speed/low-loss materials. • Materials specifically designed for semi- additive and fully additive processes will be needed, particularly with UHDI (ultra- high-density interconnect) and SLP (sub- strate-like PCB) designs. Reliability Trends in operating frequencies, voltage, and power requirements, resulting in higher operating temperatures, continue to create needs for better thermomechanical reliabil- ity and oxidative stability. Substrate materials with lower coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE), higher glass transition temperature (Tg) and decomposition temperature (Td) are needed. e higher temperatures generated by these systems and their use in harsh environ- ments are also driving the need for new mate- rials possessing higher thermal conductivity. Potential Solutions: High-speed PCB Substrates e roadmap also outlines potential solu- tions to address the needs, gaps, and challenges that have been identified for high-speed sub- strate boards, projected over a 10-year time- frame using technology readiness levels 3 . In summary, high-speed substrate boards evolve rapidly, addressing diverse applica- tions. Stakeholders must stay updated, invest in R&D, and collaborate to conquer miniatur- ization, materials, and industry shis. Success depends on innovation, adaptability, and for- ward-thinking tech solutions. PCB007 References 1. iNEMI Roadmap: Forecasting the future of elec- tronics, inemi.org. 2. "Table 1. High Speed PCBs Gaps, and Today's Technology Status with Respect to Current and Future Needs," roadmap.inemi.org. 3. Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), inemi.org. Tarja Rapala is technology director for EIPC. Joe Beers is vice president of Gold Circuit Electronics. They co-chair the printed circuit board (PCB) topic for the iNEMI Roadmap. About the iNEMI Roadmap The latest iNEMI Roadmap is available online. Top-ics published to date include Sustainable Electron-ics, mmWave Materials and Test, Smart Manufactur-ing, and Printed Circuit Board. Additional topics will be published in the fourth quarter of this year.

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