PCB007 Magazine


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42 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 Energy Management Electrical energy consumption is a significant challenge in manufacturing. Energy manage- ment systems monitor energy usage by utiliz- ing various types of equipment and processes. ese systems utilize sophisticated models to predict and optimize energy usage, contribut- ing to overall operational efficiency and cost savings. By managing energy consumption effectively, manufacturers can reduce their environmental impact and achieve sustainabil- ity goals. Remote Support Remote support capabilities enable manufac- turers to monitor and manage equipment per- formance from remote locations, saving man- power and facilitating quick diagnostics and interventions without onsite visits. Remote access minimizes downtime, reduces mainte- nance costs, and ensures continuous produc- tion operations. Secure communication chan- nels ensure effective and safe remote access to equipment, enhancing operational efficiency and maintenance processes. Predictive Maintenance Predictive maintenance is largely recog- nized as the most valuable capability of data- driven industrial digital solutions. It utilizes machine learning models to analyze historical and real-time data to predict when equipment will likely fail. By performing maintenance just-in-time, manufacturers can avoid unnec- essary downtime and prevent unexpected fail- ures, ultimately extending equipment life and optimizing maintenance resources. e imple- mentation of predictive maintenance increases equipment reliability and enhances opera- tional efficiency. User Interaction Industrial digital solutions need to be user- friendly. ey should provide operators with intuitive interfaces to interact with monitor- ing systems and respond quickly to issues. Operators can access real-time data and alerts through Smart devices to enhance shop-floor decision-making. Process engineers require user-friendly interfaces to streamline the analysis and opti- mization of manufac- turing processes. ese interfaces should enable easy access to detailed process data, facilitate the identification of inef- ficiencies, and support the implementation of improvements without extensive training. Maintenance engi- neers benefit from intu- itive digital solutions that simplify the sched- uling and execution of maintenance tasks. User- friendly interfaces can help them quickly diag- nose equipment issues, track maintenance his-

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