PCB007 Magazine


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SEPTEMBER 2024 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 95 Front-end engi- neers are the gate- keepers of factories and a cornerstone of successful fab- rication. Since factory engineers are not often in the public eye, many people do not understand the wealth of knowledge they have. I encourage you to develop a good relationship with the engineers at your favorite supplier. Newer board designers often forget one factor crucial to a PCB's performance and reli- ability, namely board parasit- ics, which usually refers to an unintended electrical effect in electronic components and interconnections. This can often lead to signifi- cant changes in the physical characteristics of the layout of the PCB. Typically, in board design, para- sitics look similar to the length of a trace or a wire. There have been so many events and trade shows in the past few months, and with them, many important announcements and demon- strations and processes. Whether there are too many trade shows today, these shows and events do allow companies to showcase their truly remarkable technologies, processes, and devices. I've dedicated much of my column space to covering some of these shows and the advances we've learned about at these shows. My three favorite sensors for wet process control are process concen- trations with specific gravity, plating replenishment based on ampere- hours, and active concentrations with color indicators. To start enrolling in wet process control, I advise doing a process audit with a real time ana- lyzer, which is a conductivity probe and a thermometer. You've just sold your pharmaceuti- cal business and have a lot of extra cash. Where would you spend it? "On a new 45,000-square-foot fac- tory to manufacture high-tech printed circuit boards," said one man. Meet Prashant Patel, one of the industry's newest PCB fabricators. In my June column, I dis- cussed how much control was needed for high-den- sity circuits rather than what was thought necessary. I concentrated on cupric chloride and alkaline etch issues and equipment, since the etching step in the circuit board manufac- turing process is one of the most critical areas. For the latest news and information, visit PCB007.com The New Chapter: The Impact of Parasitics on PCB Design From Concept to Reality: Building Alpha Circuit Happy's Tech Talk #32: Three Simple Ways to Manage and Control Wet Processes The Chemical Connection: Chemical and Equipment Control of High-density Circuits, Part 2 Fresh PCB Concepts: The Vital Role of Front-end Engineers Fein-Lines: AI, Big Data, and A Lot of Trade Shows

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