IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 34 FALL 2024 Christoph says FED and IPC have a 20-year his- tory together, when the chairs of both associations maintained a friendly relationship and agreed on close cooperation. "Today, the FED Training Cen- tre holds licenses for various IPC certifications and distributes IPC documents," he says. "The reason for this close cooperation is that we see the need to create international standards and harmo- nized specifications for efficient work in the electronics industry." With its focus on "silicon to systems," the conference organizers also called for abstracts summarizing original and previously unpublished work covering case histories, research, and discoveries. Silicon to systems covers advanced packag- ing, PCB/PCBA, sub-system assembly, final system assembly, electro-mechanical co-design, power electronics, sensorics, and high-frequency elec- tronics. Design for excellence covers design for manu- facturability, reliability, programming and testabil- ity, sustainability, and cost. "We had an overwhelming number of abstracts submitted," Peter says. "We are very pleased about the number and quality, and the diversity of topics, countries, even regions, where the abstracts are coming from. It's a luxurious problem to have in setting up this world-class program." After the July 31 deadline, abstracts were reviewed by an 18-member program committee from some of Europe's biggest electronics design companies. "They are doing an amazing job," Peter says. Christoph emphasizes that the two associations working together benefit both sides and the whole industry. "To fulfill our mission, we naturally need strong partners like IPC," he says. Putting on an event like this is a big effort, especially for our small IPC Europe team, Peter says. "The joint forces between IPC and FED and the shared effort enables us to make this conference an amazing experience for all our participants," he adds. "With the reach of FED and IPC together, we can attract a larger audience." "Our goals are very similar," Christoph says. "One of the main objectives is to help PCB and electron- ics manufacturers to produce competitive prod- ucts through knowledge transfer and exchange. For this, of course, we need standards and training that we can offer our members and customers. In this respect, the partnership with IPC is of great value to us and helps us achieve our goals." Jan Pedersen, NCAB What excites me is the emerging additive manu- facturing that at the same time is more environ- mentally friendly than traditional PCB processing. Kunal Shah, LILOTREE UHDI, substrate like PCBs, sustainable PCB materials (laminates, surface finishes, etc), better reliability technology, recovering precious metals and recy- cling PCBAs. Ian Hanna, Circuit Tech Fusion bonding. Steve Vida, MKS Instruments I am excited to see how the technology of microchips and storage continues to become smaller and more powerful. Pratish Patel, Electronic Interconnect UHDI and HDI, Additive PCB. What Industry or Technology Advancement Excites You? Click here to learn more and register

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