IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

Issue link: https://iconnect007.uberflip.com/i/1527867

Contents of this Issue


Page 89 of 103

IPC COMMUNITY 90 FALL 2024 SUSTAINABILITY The intersection of supply chain management and sustainability is evolving rapidly, driven by a mix of voluntary and mandatory actions from stakeholders including investors, governments (federal, state, and international), customers, sup- pliers, and communities. Beyond the traditional considerations of price, quality, and delivery, companies face increasing pressure to address challenges associated with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts. In the mil/aero industry, this complexity can be particularly pro- nounced when stakeholders don't seek ESG per- formance as a critical requirement for programs and aren't consistently providing financial incen- tives for the industry to proceed in a direction to more holistically address the issues. A Statement on Sustainability Navigating the supply chain challenges and opportunities in aerospace and defense By Stanley Merritt, Northrop Grumman

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