IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 8 FALL 2024 A Memorable Meeting in Malaysia COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS IPC is a global organiza- tion, as evidenced by my recent trip to Malaysia and India to attend the Inte- grated Electronics Manu- facturing and Interconnec- tions (IEMI) show hosted by IPC India. IEMI continues to grow in popularity and was held for the first time in Penang, Malay- sia, in addition to Bangalore, India. The growth of electronics manufacturing in Malaysia is significant. I saw that in real-time on my visit to Penang, a city with the most manufacturing facilities in the country, focus- ing on integrated circuits, advanced packaging, design, and semiconductor manufacturing. It is also the central location in Malaysia for EMS providers. Malaysia boasts a strong workforce with several organizations dedicated to training new workers. A highlight of my visit to Penang was the panel session on t h e i m p o r- t a n c e o f a d v a n c e d packaging technol- ogy in the semicon- ductor and electron- ics industry. Partici- pating panelists repre- sented Australia, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, and Viet- nam. Sharing the challenges faced by our broad community of colleagues and members of the global electronics industry was enlightening and valuable. It was exciting to see so many countries, companies, and government By Dr. John W. Mitchell, IPC President and CEO IPC COMMUNITY 8 FALL 2024 officials fostering collaboration, sharing knowl- edge, and continuing to build a community of learners, innovators, and experts. The breadth of knowledge and experience in that room was eye-opening and encouraging. I returned to the United States with an increased understanding of how broad and deep our connections are and how we can continue to support our members worldwide. The full IEMI event, which included meetings and competitions, was remarkable. IPC India has worked tirelessly to introduce IPC to those unaware of how we can assist them with the challenges they face in the industry. From the Ministry of Electronics and Information Tech- nology, the government of India, and Indian and international industry associations, there was a strong presence of electronics manufacturers, designers, traders, suppli- e rs , s e r v i c e p rov i d e rs , and technical experts to explore new business p a r t n e r s h i p s , g a i n technical knowledge, and to source prod- ucts and services. A t t e n d i n g I E M I reminded me that visiting the source of an innovative and creative aspect of our global industry and meeting experts and innovators at their locations is a valuable educational opportunity for me. I had a wonderful time meeting colleagues from both IPC India and IPC Asia and witnessing the connections they are building firsthand.

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