IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 66 FALL 2024 zations like the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), the Joint Audit Cooperation (JAC) in telecommunications, the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), and the Euro- pean Responsible Supply Chain Initiative (RSCI) to include IPC-1401 in ESG best practices. Additionally, IPC could collab- orate with ESG rating agencies to integrate IPC-1401 into their rating standards, encouraging more companies to adopt this standard. IPC could respond to member needs by developing ESG compliance standards, launching ESG man- agement system certifications for the electron- ics industry, and elevating ESG to a global mem- ber service strategy. This would help companies prevent ESG risks, manage ESG disclosure and ratings, and enhance their competitiveness. "This will help them move beyond the anxi- ety and internal competition over ESG disclo- sure and ratings, integrate ESG into their busi- ness and operations, effectively prevent ESG risks, protect their business, and enhance their competitive advantage," Zhou says. "The target audience for the 2024 ESG Sus- tainability Forum is electronics manufactur- ing companies. The forum provides clear and practical ESG guidance, helping them identify genuine ESG needs, understand ESG trends in product and capital markets, hear ESG advice from customers, investors, and expert practi- tioners, learn from successful ESG cases, and absorb lessons from ESG failures." Zhou Guoyin has collaborated with IPC China to organize an ESG Sustainability Forum at IPC CEMAC 2024, Oct. 23–25, 2024. The outline includes: • IPC experts sharing ESG trends in the European and American markets • ESG investment experts sharing trends that help strengthen the connection with capital markets • Leading companies invitedg to share ESG requirements to strengthen product markets • A focus on ESG pain points by sharing success stories and lessons learned from failures July 2015, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China: IPC-1401 Standard Committee Meeting.

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