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10 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 Feature Article by Mark Wolfe WOLFE CONSULTING, LLC In the face of an ever-growing electronics demand, our experiences from 2020 onward with rapid constraints in supply, and unex- pected demand fluctuations, EMS companies face a more limited ability than we are accus- tomed to quickly adjust incorrect component mixes and respond to shortened component lifecycles. Add to that the need to carefully approach the addition of very expensive capac- ity. We end up repeatedly answering the same set of questions, every day, for every job in our queue: • Which parts are short? • Where can I find them? • Is the channel I found "safe?" • Can I afford to do it? While things have improved in the past few years, there is no sign we will return to pre- pandemic stability. Component lead times feel much better but are still well beyond pre-pan- demic levels. Manufacturers are still building largely to customer orders as opposed to build- ing to stock. is article will examine how these trends from 2020 have matured and sta- bilized or continue to change and evolve. Supply Continuity Has Never Been More Critical Time-to-market and product availability are essential. To meet our own delivery schedules, our suppliers must have a reliable and available supply of the needed components. Disruptions Has It Really Been Survival Mode?

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