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62 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 sonally encountered 19-20 instances where parts that had been previously identified, rejected, and confiscated by the government resurfaced in the supply chain. is recurring cycle of non-conforming materials poses a persistent threat to the industry. As a result, I developed this intermediate- level course designed not only for test technicians and quality inspectors but also for procurement professionals and engineers who play a crucial role in managing electronic components. By equipping these individuals with the knowledge and skills to identify and mitigate counterfeit risks, we can collectively combat this growing challenge. What are some of the topics in the class? e course delves into some key topics, including the scope and consequences, supply chain impact, detection and prevention, mitigation and management, legal and regul- atory frameworks, and finally, proper disposal. rough this comprehen- sive training, participants will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively address the threat of counterfeit electronics, safeguarding their organizations, and ensuring the integrity of critical supply chains. Tony, who would you expect to take this course? P r o f e s s i o n a l s w h o a r e working in any sector where component failures can have severe consequences—for example, supply chain p r o f e s s i o n a l s i n h i g h - reliabilit y organizations, such as aerospace, defense, medical, and critical infrastructure sectors, which include the transit system, automotive industry, and so forth. Regulator y compliance officers, quality assurance, and quality control personnel will normally undergo the training. Now, engineers and procurement sourcing specialists can do that as well. One emerging area is the healthcare industr y. Historically, they've refused to believe they have counterfeit parts in their organization. e thing is that everyone has problems with counterfeiting. is is not specifically a beginner's course, where we show you how to look at a component and determine whether it's counterfeit. We're taking it to the next level: How do you prevent counterfeits from getting into your supply chain, and what steps can you take if they do? e stress in the process was because nobody knew what to do once they found all these parts or if the parts were already out in the field, how do you pull them back? What is the value of this training to the EMS provider? Implementing robust pro- c u r e m e n t s t r a t e g i e s a n d v e r i f i c a t i o n p r o c e s s e s i s essential for identifying and mitigating the risks associated with counterfeit electronic components. By carefully scrutinizing doc- umentation pr ior to product arr ival, organizations can significantly reduce the likelihood of procur ing counterfeit par ts. Even high-value industries, such as aerospace, have been af f ec ted by counter f eit doc- umentation. is training program aims to enhance procurement strategies and verification processes. By equipping procurement pro- fessionals with the necessary knowledge and skills, companies can: proactively identify and mitigate risks, enhance incident response, and ensure compliance and maintain competitive advantage. By addressing the issue of counterfeit electronics at the procurement stage, organizations can significantly reduce their vulnerability to this growing threat, Tony Bryant

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