SMT007 Magazine


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6 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 COLUMN Plenty to Say About Certifications by Nolan Johnson A Dose of Wisdom by Dr. Jennie Hwang Bringing Two Cultures Together in PCB Manufacturing by Tom Yang ARTICLE Innovative and Cost-effective BGA Re-balling by Shavi Spinzi HIGHLIGHTS MilAero007 SMT007 Top Ten DEPARTMENTS Career Opportunities Educational Resources Advertiser Index & Masthead 8 10 66 70 58 76 79 86 87 14 30 36 45 JULY 2024 • ADDITIONAL CONTENT 8 SHORTS Overcoming Workforce Challenges from Onboarding to Upskilling BOOK EXCERPT: The Printed Circuit Assembler's Guide to... Factory Analytics BOOK EXCERPT: The Printed Circuit Assembler's Guide to... Low-Temperature Soldering, Vol. 2 Next-generation Sustainable Electronics Doped With Air 10

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