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16 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 Revco Products is a family-owned and run EMS provider established in 1977 as an OEM. By 1994, it had transformed into a contract manufacturer. From its Orange County, California, location, over the past 47 years, Revco Products has supported businesses locally, nationally, and internationally. Barry Matties recently visited the Revco facility, where he learned about Revco's methods of operation. e I-Connect007 Editorial Team followed up for a roundtable- style conversation with Revco's leadership team: Greg Gonzales, vice president of business development, Ron Gonzales, vice president and operations/quality manager, Miguel Salinas, quality manager, and Carlos Salinas, production manager. Also joining the conversation was Mike Hoyt, workforce training advisor at IPC, who talked about the importance of a certification and training program. Barry Matties: Where does Revco's training and certification program begin? Greg Gonzales: Miguel and Carlos are good examples of what we've been doing here: hiring for entry-level positions, training them, and showing them the Revco way. ey can get promoted to managerial positions. Our company founder, Dave Gonzales, decided in 1977 that aer being laid off for the third time from a job, "I'd rather start my own business and control my own future." He then created Revco Products, Inc., which stands for Recreational Equipment Vehicle Company. Dave then went on to develop a propane and carbon monoxide detector, one for the home and one for the RV industry. The Importance of a Certification and Training Program Feature Interview by the I-Connect007 Editorial Team

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