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38 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 Feature Article by Carlos Plaza IPC e terms "certification" and "certificate" are oen used interchangeably, but there are well- defined differences in the world of credentials. ese differences have important implications for when and how your organization invests in training and validation programs. In this article, I'll break down the meaning and characteristics of each term, introduce IPC's approach to training and certification, and explain how you can leverage each credential to achieve your goals. Certification A certification is a document issued by an independent certifying body like IPC to verify that an individual possesses a defined set of previously acquired knowledge, skills, Certificate vs. Certification: Achieving Your Organization's Goals and abilities in a field of practice. Individuals are usually required to take an exam to demonstrate possession of these competencies at a level of proficiency defined by industry- based standards or criteria. Test candidates who successfully complete the exam are issued a certificate that attests to their certified status. e awarded document is called a certificate, but it denotes the attainment of a certification. Certification programs are not linked to a specific training program. In fact, any person who meets the certification program's eligibility requirements may sit for the exam. Given the rigorous nature of certification exams, some type of formal or informal test preparation is usually advisable. However, test prep is not mandatory because the exam is not

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