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46 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 Feature Article by Tara Dunn SMTA e electronics industry is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field where continuous learning is essential to keep up with tech- nological advancements and industry demands. e Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) plays a key role in providing com- prehensive training and education to pro- fessionals in the electronics manufacturing sector. Founded in 1984 and celebrating its 40th anniversar y this year, SMTA has a long- standing commitment to supporting and advancing the electronics manufacturing community. e association aims to build skills, share knowledge, and foster collaboration among industry professionals. is dedication to education and training is evident in SMTA's portfolio of programs and resources designed to meet the needs of individuals at all stages of their careers. Webinars and Online Resources In addition to in-person conferences, SMTA offers a significant number of online resources, i n c l u d i ng o n - d e m a n d w e b i n a r s , o n l i n e courses, and a comprehensive resource library. ese resources allow members to access high- quality educational content from anywhere in Training and Education in the Electronics Industry

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