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44 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 experiential requirements to sit for the CEPM certification exam may do so within six months of completing the course. Certification exam candidates who attain a passing score receive a certificate of certification that attests to their ability to perform the program manager role at a level of proficiency defined by the electronics manufacturing industry. Training with the option to certify provides industry members with the flexibility they need to meet their company's particular competency requirements, whether through training, training plus certification, or certification. IPC Workforce Training and Certification Frameworks IPC Education collaborates with industry experts to develop and update workforce training and certification programs that align with the needs of the industry. Since the introduction of Electronics Assembly for Operators in 2020, IPC workforce training and certification frameworks have been continuously growing. e objective is to offer training and certification opportunities to individuals involved in the design, fabrication, and assembly of printed circuit boards and wire harnesses, enabling them to excel in their roles and validate their competencies. ese frameworks are organized into career pathways that provide the map and the means for individual and organizational success. ey empower individuals to recognize and seize opportunities to advance from entry-level positions to higher-paying roles that require more skills and responsibilities. At the same time, companies obtain a reliable pool of talent, reducing turnover, and fostering a more productive, engaged, and loyal workforce. is synergy is key to long-term business success and growth. Figure 3 illustrates the IPC WFT Framework for PCB Assembly Operator. Similarly organized frameworks exist for other roles such as technician, engineer, and PCB designers. Make sure to visit to view IPCs current educational offerings. Want to Help IPC Train the Next Generation of Professionals? Subject matter experts from across the electronics manufacturing industry are what makes this program so valuable. If you would like to help the next generation of professionals Figure 2: Workforce training options for operators.

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