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JULY 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 85 Career Opportunities CAD/CAM Engineer Summary of Functions The CAD/CAM engineer is responsible for reviewing customer supplied data and drawings, performing design rule checks and creating manufacturing data, programs, and tools required for the manufacture of PCB. Essential Duties and Responsibilities • Import customer data into various CAM systems. • Perform design rule checks and edit data to comply with manufacturing guidelines. • Create array configurations, route, and test programs, penalization and output data for production use. • Work with process engineers to evaluate and provide strategy for advanced processing as needed. • Itemize and correspond to design issues with customers. • Other duties as assigned. Organizational Relationship Reports to the engineering manager. Coordinates activities with all departments, especially manufacturing. Qualifications • A college degree or 5 years' experience is required. Good communication skills and the ability to work well with people is essential. • Printed circuit board manufacturing knowledge. • Experience using CAM tooling software, Orbotech GenFlex®. Physical Demands Ability to communicate verbally with management and coworkers is crucial. Regular use of the telephone and e-mail for communication is essential. Sitting for extended periods is common. Hearing and vision within normal ranges is helpful for normal conversations, to receive ordinary information and to prepare documents.

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