PCB007 Magazine


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32 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 gies, one of your first instincts will be to turn to your suppliers and ask, "Can we do this?" In many cases the answer is "yes," and directions can be given to accomplish the desired task. If the answer is "no" or "I don't know," then the supplier has a pretty good idea of the direc- tion he needs to go to improve his product and increase his business. is is basically a reac- tive rather than a proactive process for change because most of us do not have the means to spend the time and money necessary to be pro- active. At this point, I can only speak about how my own company has gone about creating its own roadmap for future development. For the most part, the roadmap has been steady and consis- Ideally, we would all be aware of what future technology demands will be, at least for the near future, and take steps to be prepared to meet those demands. For most of us, how- ever, while we may be aware of what's coming in terms of production requirements, we usu- ally don't do much to get ready for them until we're forced to by the market. We generally don't have the time or personnel to spend on detailed planning or money to purchase any new equipment before it's needed. So, how do most of us deal with it? Like other equipment and chemistry sup- pliers, our impetus for change comes almost entirely from our customers. As your custom- ers' demands increase due to new technolo- How We Deal With a Technology Roadmap The Chemical Connection Feature Column by Don Ball, CHEMCUT

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