PCB007 Magazine


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94 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 Alex Girardot of Perfect Point Precision Carbide Tools explores the pioneering advancements in drill bit technology supporting high-tech fabrication. Leveraging his 15 years of expertise in the PCB industry, he discusses the critical role of coating technology in enhancing drill bit performance. This technological leap increases accuracy, especially in high aspect ratio builds, and nearly eliminates drill bit breakage. Perfect Point's innovative approach includes a hybrid flute design and active collaboration with cus- tomers to optimize their drilling pro- cesses through automation and tai- lored guidance. Mike Brask of IPS explores the shift toward automated chemical dosing in wet process lines for enhanced con- trol, safety, and product reliability. Mike emphasizes that automating chem- ical dosing reduces variability, ensuring consistent quality and safer working con- ditions. He notes past reliance on manual labor and highlights current challenges, including space limitations and regulatory hurdles. With more than 40 years of experience in the electronics industry, Mike Carano helps guide us through how dialing in on your wet process area can benefit your bottom line. "When things get out of control, the varia- tion in your wet process begins," Mike says. "Just because they look like good boards and may even pass electrical test, it does not necessarily mean you have good boards. Once the chemistry is headed toward the right or left side of the process control parameter cliff, the plating is com- promised." What he's really talking about is the need for a paradigm shift "where tight control of your processes is the way you manage your organization, wet process being one particular and crucial area of operations." Audits: A Critical Element of Process Control A formal audit always seems difficult to justify. Companies do not want the expense, and employees do not want the hassle. There is always a chance of failure, and management struggles to understand the benefits. If you or your company has had issues with auditing, hopefully, this article will help you feel a little more comfortable about the auditing process. Shifting to Automated Chemical Dosing for Enhanced Control and Safety Advancements in Drill Bit Technology Maximizing ROI Through Better Wet Process Control TOP TEN EDITOR'S PICKS Randy Cherry Mike Brask

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