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10 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 As the founder of Trilogy Circuits, the pro- vider of design and assembly services acquired by Zentech, Charlie Capers understands the value of collaboration. We spoke with Char- lie about the need for designers to collabo- rate with all the downstream stakeholders, the hurdles to solid communication, and why real collaboration (or lack of it) can make or break your deadline. We also discussed the path to true collabo- ration, and why many companies don't begin to embrace a collaboration culture until they have a problem. Remember: Each of us can begin ushering in a collaboration culture just by reaching out for help or advice. The Collaboration Culture Andy Shaughnessy: Charlie, we wanted to get your thoughts on collaboration between PCB designers and the rest of the manufac- turing loop. We still hear about senior design- ers making basic mistakes, like handing off data packages with incomplete fab notes. Barry Matties: Right, and in a truly collabora- tive culture, we probably would not have holes in the fabrication notes because they would have talked about it with their CAM partners as they were designing the board. Charlie Capers: at's true. But also, most fab- ricators don't know much about design either. ey know how to build printed circuit boards, Feature Interview by the I-Connect007 Editorial Team

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