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16 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 As a PCB designer working for an EMS pro- vider, Kelly Dack has seen his share of boards fail because they were designed in a vacuum; the designer simply threw the design "over the wall" and hoped for the best. In this interview, Kelly discusses the need for collaboration between all the stakeholders involved in designing and manufacturing the PCB. As Kelly points out, IPC's CID curricu- lum provides a great framework for setting up a collaboration culture in your company, and standards help enable this kind of environment. Andy Shaughnessy: Kelly, we're discussing collaboration between designers as well as between designers and their partners downstream. How does a company set up a collaboration culture? Kelly Dack: You could say that great things hap- pen when project stakeholders get together. Everybody can represent their own part of the project and come together. I teach the Certi- fied Interconnect Designer (CID) class, and the CID principles teach us that at the start of a project, you've got to bring everybody together and put values on everything: test, mechanical, components, fit, performance, and all the other design forces. ey all have to come together, and the project manager has to put weight on each of those things. So, the CID provides a guideline for setting up a collaborative environment? Absolutely. CID has a graphic that really hits the nail on the head. It is a picture of a table, with chairs around the table representing each Feature Interview by Andy Shaughnessy I-CONNECT007

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