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4 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 FEATURE INTERVIEWS The Collaboration Culture with Charlie Capers Collaboration Station with Kelly Dack A Great Recipe: Collaboration, Motivation, and Design Classes with John Watson and Mehdi Kacem Do You Collaborate With Your Component Supplier? with Duane Benson FEATURE ARTICLE Collaboration in PCB Design: Enhancing Innovation and Efficiency by Stephen Chavez 10 16 38 44 24 JUNE 2024 • FEATURE CONTENTS PCB designers could learn quite a bit from NASA and the private companies that develop spacecraft: Every one of these vehicles is a testament to the value of collaboration among disparate stakeholders. Without a collaborative culture, the rocket might never get off the ground. For this month's issue, we asked our expert contributors to weigh in on collabora- tion, why communication with stakeholders is so critical, and how to set up a collaboration culture in your company. Creating a Culture of Collaboration 10 16 38

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