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14 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 extra labor cost, time, and process step might be. Having those three disciplines in one person is self-collaboration. That's a huge advantage. It is. It's funny because I get calls every now and then from other people in our industry who are having issues on the line, problems building a board, or failures here or there. I'll say, "Send me the data." I'll look at it, find the issues, and I'll say, "is is where you need to be looking. You have a problem here, you have a problem here, and this is where you need to focus." ey'll say, "Wow, great!" Matties: That's interesting. What you just said is that we don't collaborate until we have a problem. Maybe that is the problem. Shaughnessy: No man is an island. That's certainly true in this scenario. Matties: Thanks so much for speaking with us, Charlie. ank you. Always a pleasure. DESIGN007 Traditional non-aqueous lithium-ion batteries have a high energy density, but their safety is compro- mised due to the flammable organic electrolytes they utilize. Aqueous batteries use water as the solvent for electrolytes, significantly enhancing the safety of the batteries. However, due to the limited solubility of the electrolyte and low battery voltage, aqueous batteries typically have a lower energy density. This means that the amount of electricity stored per unit volume of aqueous battery is relatively low. In a new study published in Nature Energy, a research group led by Prof. LI Xianfeng from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chi- nese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in collaboration with Prof. FU Qiang's group also from DICP, developed a multi-electron transfer cathode based on bromine and iodine, realizing a specific capacity of more than 840 Ah/L, and achieving an energy density of up to 1200 Wh/L based on catholyte in full battery testing. To improve the energy density of aqueous batter- ies, researchers used a mixed halogen solution of iodide ions (I-) and bromide ions (Br-) as the electro- lyte. They developed a multi-electron transfer reac- tion, transferring I- to iodine element (I2) and then to iodate (IO3-). During the charging process, I- were oxidized to IO3- on the positive side, and the gener- ated H+ were conducted to the negative side in the form of supporting electrolyte. During the discharge process, H+ were conducted from the positive side, and IO3- were reduced to I-. The developed multi-electron transfer cathode had a specific capacity of 840 Ah/L. Combining the cathode with metallic Cd to form a full battery, researchers achieved an energy density up to 1200 Wh/L based on the developed catholyte. "This study provides a new idea for the design of high-energy- density aqueous batteries, and may expand the aqueous batter- ies application in power batteries field," said Prof. LI. (Source: Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) Researchers Develop High-energy-density Aqueous Battery

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