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64 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 I-Connect007 is thrilled to announce the release of the latest episode in Series 3 of its popular podcast, On the Line With... , available now on Apple and Spotify. In "PCB 3.0: A New Design Methodology—More Power to the EE," we continue the theme of bringing more decision-making power to the design process. This industry just doesn't like to change. Line width/space is consistently narrowed; layer counts are now over 120 layers; via diameters constantly shrink. But a fabricator still can't build per the supplied data package because of design, document, and capability mismatch errors. The final heat of the 2024 IPC Design Com- petition took place on Tuesday, April 9, dur- ing IPC APEX EXPO. IPC's Kris Moyer and Patrick Crawford served as judges and onsite supervisors for the event, which featured five competitors—four online and one live at IPC APEX EXPO. I met with Kris and Patrick dur- ing the final heat of the design competition and asked them to walk me through what was happening. In the PCB industry, high-quality front-end engineering differen- tiates top-notch com- panies from those struggling to keep their customers sat- isfied. But what determines good quality? Beginning with careful attention to design specifications, front-end engineers meticu- lously plan layouts while adhering to indus- try standards such as IPC guidelines. TOP TEN Dana on Data: The Insane PCB DFM Process The Thrill of Victory: IPC Design Competition Listen to I-Connect007's Latest Podcast Episode: Empowering Electrical Engineers EDITOR'S PICKS The Big Picture: Quality Front-end Engineering as a Core Differentiator

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