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6 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 COLUMNS All Together Now: The Value of Collaboration by Andy Shaughnessy Termination Planning by Barry Olney Artificial Intelligence in PCB Design by Hannah Grace Designing for Reality: Lamination and Materials by Matt Stevenson ARTICLE UHDI Applications for Medical Devices by Anaya Vardya DEPARTMENTS Career Opportunities Educational Resources Advertiser Index & Masthead HIGHLIGHTS MilAero007 Top Ten Editor's Picks SHORTS BOOK EXCERPT: The Printed Circuit Assembler's Guide to... Encapsulating Sustainability for Electronics Researchers Develop High-energy- density Aqueous Battery Governments Struggling With 'Silicon-to-Systems Approach' Disorder Improves Battery Life 9 14 22 52 8 30 48 54 58 67 74 75 42 64 JUNE 2024 • ADDITIONAL CONTENTS 8 48 54

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