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JUNE 2024 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 9 Andy Shaughnessy is man- aging editor of Design007 Magazine. He has been covering PCB design for 23 years. To read past columns, click here. Collaborating with your fab and assem- bly partners goes a long way toward reduc- ing or eliminating respins. e typical PCB design undergoes an average of three res- pins. Now, many companies just assume that the board will go through a respin or two, and that extra cost is included in the budget. By the time the board gets put on hold in fab or assembly, the designer is already working on another design. e problems are baked in the cake. For this month's issue, we asked our expert contributors to weigh in on collabo- ration. We start off with a conversation with Charlie Capers, who discusses how PCB designers can create a collaborative culture at their company. Kelly Dack then explains how collaboration among stakeholders can lead to a smooth, successful design, and the lack of collaboration can lead to respins, boards being put on hold, and field failures. Stephen Chavez illustrates how true collab- oration can even help a designer's work/life balance. In our conversation with John Wat- son and his student Mehdi Kacem, Mehdi explains how his drive to learn and willing- ness to collaborate have helped him suc- ceed in John's PCB design classes. Duane Benson points out the need to communi- cate with your component provider, who should be considered a full partner in your design cycle. We also have columns from Barry Olney, Matt Stevenson, and Hannah Grace, and an article by Anaya Vardya. In the next few weeks, we'll be bringing you coverage of PCB East, so stay tuned. DESIGN007 tion. Potting sometimes refers to the process of fill- ing housing; the housing forms an integral part of the finished component. The container sometimes func- tions as a temporary mold to contain the liquid until sufficiently gelled or cured. Then it is removed from the finished assembly. A con- tainer or pot is not always required. The rheology of some materials means selective application is possible; this is often referred to as "glob top" application. Some organizations use the word potting to describe the liquid material, and encapsulation to describe the application process and subsequent cure conditions to form the end ruggedizing material. The end goal of encapsulation is to form a com- plete, thick barrier, ensuring that printed circuit boards (PCBs) and other electronic components are sufficiently "encapsulated" to survive in the harsh- est conditions. The primary function is the barrier property: preventing moisture and other contami- nants causing current leakage and short circuits, inhibiting corrosion, preventing arcing and corona in high voltage applications, and mitigating against tin whiskers. They can also deliver other secondary value-added functions: mechanically supporting to prevent damage from shock and vibration, deliver- ing flame retardant properties, and dissipating heat away from hard-working components. Continue reading... BOOK EXCERPT The Printed Circuit Assembler's Guide to... Encapsulating Sustainability for Electronics By Beth Turner, MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions Chapter 1: What Are Encapsulation Resins, and Why Do We Use Them? The terms potting and encapsulation resins are interchangeable. The terms are interpreted slightly differently depending on the industry or organiza-

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